Welcome to Minimal Party for Android, the worldwide DJ's and DJ Mixes foremost app. where you can listen to and discover thousands of new DJ's and DJ mixes worldwide with just one click at anytime - 24/7, Every day of the year
To get full and unlimited access, download for free this incredible application NOW and get the following :
• Thousands of DJ's and DJ mixes at your fingertips
• Access to new DJ mixes added daily by our 350 000+ DJ's network worldwide (one of which could be yours)
• Search the DJ mixes’s track listing’s database by entering keywords to locate a specific track
• Create playlists with your favorite DJ mixes, for hours and hours of unlimited DJ mixed music
• Connect yourself from everywhere on Earth and spread the good sound around you within your private circle*
• Add your own DJ mixes now for free , go to <a href="https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.google.com/url?q%3Dhttp://www.mix.dj%26sa%3DD%26usg%3DAFQjCNG_A95Iofu2kgNYsXmVmtVmYvIOpQ&sa=D&usg=AFQjCNEBBFYDyb-JGguI-oVx5_a7oLplcg" target="_blank">http://www.mix.dj</a>
and much, much more…
• This service is NOT authorized for professional usage or public spaces sound design.
• We suggest you to use this application in WiFi. However if you plan to use it via mobile internet, please check your contract carefully with your operator to avoid unexpected bandwith usage billings.
© DigitalDeejay 2013